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 Why Exhibit?
photoIn its 16th presentation, EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007 is the place for the leading telecom and technology companies to showcase their latest and most successful innovations and solutions, including satellite technologies, IP-based tools, WiFi solutions and 3G applications for mobile telephony and mobile portals.Reasons to Exhibit at EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007:

  • 20,000 square meters of gross exhibition space available
  • EXPO COMM MEXICO 2006 saw 23,302 qualified buyers from over 40 countries!
  • High level keynote speakers to hear
  • 4-day conference program to attend
  • Seminars and conferences offered by exhibiting companies
  • Many Event Highlights
 Exhibitor Profile
Coming soon…


 Attendee Profile
IT Professionals
Computing • Software / Data Processing
Telecommunications Professionals
Operators / Public Networks • Service / ISP Providers • Systems Integrators • Engineering • Wireless Mobile Telephony • Other Private Communications Systems • Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturers • RegulatorsProfessionals from Other Industries
Financial • Academic • Construction • Hotels / Restaurants • Manufacturing • Transport • Automotive / Auto Parts • Electrical • Health • Military / Security • Department Stores / Self-Service • Communications Media / Publishing / Advertising • Travel Agencies • Postal Services • Public Services
 Why Attend?
Coming soon…


 Exhibitor Profile
Coming soon…


 Attendee Profile
IT Professionals
Computing • Software / Data Processing
Telecommunications Professionals
Operators / Public Networks • Service / ISP Providers • Systems Integrators • Engineering • Wireless Mobile Telephony • Other Private Communications Systems • Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturers • RegulatorsProfessionals from Other Industries
Financial • Academic • Construction • Hotels / Restaurants • Manufacturing • Transport • Automotive / Auto Parts • Electrical • Health • Military / Security • Department Stores / Self-Service • Communications Media / Publishing / Advertising • Travel Agencies • Postal Services • Public Services
Coming soon… 
 Conference Program
Below are links to each conference program offered at EXPO COMM MEXICO 2006VON MEXICO 2006and LinuxWorld Mexico 2006.Each document contains the prices, times and agenda for the individual programs.

Download the KEYNOTE 2006 Conference ProgramDownload the VON MEXICO 2006 Conference Program
Download the TOP TECHNOLOGY 2006 Conference Program

Download the LinuxWorld Mexico 2006 Conference Program

Download the Tendencias 2006 Conference Program


 Conference Registration
If you would like to preregister and purchase conference passes, please go to: http://www.acob.com.mx/e-nscribe/regsys.asp?td=6BQWRT12378V13
 Event Sponsors
WiFi Alliance
 Media Sponsors
Coming soon…


 Sponsorship Options
Sponsorship Opportunities and PricesNew Sponsorship Opportunities: INTELLIGENT HOUSE

Product Presentations

By organizing a Product Presentation in EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007 your company will benefit before and during the show. These marketing promotional opportunities are intended to maximize the corporate image of your company through the presentation of a new product or service.

Presentations and private meetings will be carried out in conference rooms with several seating capacities (50, 100 or 200) that include additional services.

Marketing & Promotional Opportunities

The Communication and Marketing Program in EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007 allows exhibiting companies to achieve a broad media presence through general press, economic press, specialized media, on-line, TV channels and radio channels.

Your company will benefit from a program of direct marketing action items that will include promotional material mailing, advertising, marketing on-line, public relations and telemarketing. Moreover, in order to maximize your company image before, during, and after the event, EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007 offers you a wide range of sponsorship and advertising possibilities.

Promotional and Marketing Services


      • The Preview is the ideal means of reaching and producing a positive impact on potential customers just when they are planning their future visit to the Exposition and Conference. The Preview is distributed to more than 20,000 industry professionals and is the Event’s official publication. It has a listing of Exhibiting Companies, the Conference Program, special services and lists of all Exposition activities. It is the latest direct-marketing strategy designed to update information for those planning to attend the events.

The Exposition and Conference Guide is handed out at registration to all those attending the Events. It includes a complete list of Speakers, a listing of Products, a Plan of the Exposition, the Conference Program… Visitors consult the Show Guide an average of seven times or more per day during the Events and a similar number of times once the Conference and Exhibition are over.



      • These are handed out to each Exhibiting Company so that you may invite your customers or potential customers to the Exhibition. The INVITATION provides your Company with a value-added factor. The Marketing Department at E.J. Krause & Reed Exhibitions has made a very careful selection of the Companies to be granted free INVITATION cards for the Exhibition. It is of utmost importance that invitations be given to qualified potential guests.

It is a new tool for marketing events that will allow your company to analyze the contacts that you receive through your Web page and inform them of the products, services and new developments that will be presented/displayed during EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007.

Posters are distributed to provide information to those attending the Exhibition. We have analyzed the usefulness of posters as an advertising tool and have come to the conclusion that they are definitely a great contribution to the task of providing information to Exhibition guests. Feel free to distribute them throughout your offices and branches.

Our aim is to summon the largest number of qualified visitors from the country and the region via precise marketing strategies oriented toward a determined segment, as well as through agreements with the major media of each region. If your company maintains some type of strategic alliance with print or electronic media or associations, do not hesitate to put them in contact with the Department of Marketing of E. J. Krause & Reed Exhibitions to analyze the best possible promotional actions for the Exhibition.

The Event is backed by the expert advice and services of a Press Agency. Please forward us your brochures, new product launchings, list of special guests, etc. This information will be processed and sent, along with information on the Exposition, to national and international media (mass-circulation and segment-oriented) and to all special supplements that are to be published on the Event.

You may also send us your information in a digital format so that it can be included in the Exposition’s web page.

If you are planning to invite customers or executives from another branch of your Company in Mexico or elsewhere, please contact the Official Travel Agency for the Exhibition. This Agency is sure to provide you with the best deal and special offers for your convenience.

For more information on how your company can secure sponsorship opportunities, contact Beth Harrington.

 Press Contact
All media and press inquires should be directed to:Monica Aviles
Public Relations Manager
PH: 52-55-1087-1650 ext. 1115
Fax: 52-55-5523-8276
[email protected]
 News Room
 Dates & Times
February 27-March 2, 2007
Exhibition Hours: 15:00 – 21:00
On-Site Registration Opens….
Opening Ceremony….
 Event Location
Centro Banamex
Av. Conscripto 311
Col. Lomas de Sotelo
11200 Mexico, DF, MEXICO
Phone: 011-52-55-52-68-20-00
Fax: 011-52-55-52-68-20-64
Website: www.centrobanamex.com
 Download Conference & Show Brochures
EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007 Brochure
EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007 Conference Program
 Shuttle Bus Schedule
Coming soon…


Costs to register for general admission, different conferences, etc.


 On-site vs. Internet Registration
Explanation of on site vs. internet registration, and to bring confirmation to Centro Banamex 

Beth Harrington
Director Int’l Sales
Tel: 301-493-5500 ext. 3312
Fax: 301-493-5705
[email protected]


Laura Yuan
Tel: (86-10) 8451-1832
Fax: (86-10) 8451-1829
[email protected]


Christian Gentil
Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 74 12 58
Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 74 14 98
[email protected]


Regine Gessner
Tel: (49-211) 610730
Fax: 49-211) 6107337
[email protected]


Flora Liu
Tel: (852) 2577-3343
Fax: (852) 2577-6426
[email protected]



Marcela Altamirano
Tel: (52-55) 1087-1650
Fax: (52-55) 5523-8276
[email protected]


Ileana Bertelli
Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 74 12 58
Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 74 14 98
[email protected]


Tsuyoshi Kanno
Tel: (81-3) 5772-1321
Fax: (81-3) 5772-1324
[email protected]


S.K. Hong
Tel: (82-2) 555-7153
Fax: (82-2) 556-9474
[email protected]



Svetlana Rusakova
Tel: (7-495) 974-1255
Fax: (7-495) 974-6663
[email protected]


Olga Denisenkova
Tel: (7-812) 332-4482
Fax: (7-812) 332-4483
[email protected]


Vicente Rodríguez Carro
Tel: (34-9) 540-1710
Fax: (34-91) 540-1711
[email protected]


 Specialized Pavilions
Information Security Pavilion
Consultant & Integrators Pavilion
USA Pavilion
Canadian Pavilion
French Pavilion
Korean Pavilion
Spain Pavilion
 Options & Prices
Exhibitors have two options for purchasing space at EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007:Option #1 – Package Space/Complete Shell Stand

Package space is available at a rental fee of US$505 per square meter. Please include 15% administrative charge. The minimum unit of package exhibit space is 9 meters (or US$4,545). Additional package space is available at the same rate.

Package Booths – a 9 square meter (100 sq. ft.) booth includes:

  • Carpet(gray color)
  • Back wall and divider wall, 2.5m (8.20 feet) high
  • Fascia board with company name
  • A fluorescent lamp located on the back of the fascia board
  • One double outlet, single phase (127 V, 60 Hz, 15 amps)
  • One table and two chairs
  • One wastebasket

Package space does not include:

  • Electrical energy installation and supply
  • Parking passes

Option #2 – Raw Exhibit Space

Raw space is available at a rental fee of US$425 per square meter. Please include 15% administrative charge. The minimum unit of raw exhibit space is 18 square meters. Additional raw exhibit space is available at the same rate.

 Exhibitor Registration
Please complete the form below as accurately and fully as possible as it will be used to process this registration.

How to Select Booth Space:Stands are available in a variety of sizes to meet your objectives and budget. For further information on availability and pricing, please complete and submit the request form below. or contact Beth Harrington, email: [email protected].

Yes, I am interested in booking space at EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007.
I would like a  sqm exhibition stand
I would like a space only (Raw Exhibition Space) – see above
I would like a shell scheme stand (Package Exhibition Space) – see above
I would like further information on:
Meeting Room Reservation
Sponsorship & Promotional Opportunities
Advertising in the Show Guides


Join us at EXPO COMM MEXICO 2007, February 27 – March 2, 2007

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Last Name:
Job Title:
Zip/Postal Code:
Direct Telephone:
Direct Fax:
Direct Email:



E.J. Krause & Associates is committed to helping your
organization produce a successful event. Whether you’re
looking for tradeshow management or a
joint venture opportunity, let our 20 years
of experience in the exhibition industry
work for you.
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